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Interactive navigation is a tool that goes beyond the standard navigation of the integrated content (available in the report drop-down bar). New approach allowed to navigate in the two additional business dimensions of the PZU Group, i.e .:
  • strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
  • sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.
Human capital
Financial capital
Intellectual capital
Natural capital
Social capital

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Operating model


Glossary beginning with N

PZU AR 2020 > Lexicon > Glossary > Glossary beginning with N

National Bank of Poland.

net earned premium

The gross written premium in a given period giving consideration to the settlement of revenues (premiums) over time through movement in the provisions for unearned premiums and the reinsurers’ share.

Net interest margin (NIM)

The difference between a bank’s net interest income earned on income-generating assets and interest expenses incurred on liabilities. It is the ratio of a bank’s earnings generated on interest to average assets net of matured interest on at-risk receivables; an increase in the value of this indicator signifies an improvement in efficiency.

Net loss ratio

The quotient of net insurance claims and benefits and net earned premium; it shows what portion of the premium was allocated to indemnification costs; a decrease in the value of this indicator signifies an improvement in efficiency.

Net result on asset management by TFI PZU and PTE PZU

The sum of two values: TFI PZU’s result on external distribution (i.e. operating result established as the difference between revenues and direct expenses allocated to external distribution, other than the PZU Group’s Assets, and indirect expenses allocated to external distribution based on the ABC model after deducting CIT at a rate of 19%) and PTE PZU’s net result. An increase in this result is usually due to a greater value of assets of external clients that are managed by the companies and/or an increase in the fee rates for asset management or/and a decrease in management expenses, and is considered a favorable occurrence.

NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Method for assessing the loyalty of a given company’s customers, ratio computed as the difference between a brand’s promoters and critics.