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Interactive navigation is a tool that goes beyond the standard navigation of the integrated content (available in the report drop-down bar). New approach allowed to navigate in the two additional business dimensions of the PZU Group, i.e .:
  • strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
  • sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.
Human capital
Financial capital
Intellectual capital
Natural capital
Social capital

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Operating model


6.6 Quantitative data

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Corporate insurance (non-life insurance) 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Gross externally written premium 2,962 3,264
Gross premium written between segments 64 52
Gross written premium 3,026 3,316
Movement in provision for unearned premiums and gross provision for unexpired risks 96 (283)
Gross earned premium 3,122 3,033
Reinsurers’ share of the gross written premium (861) (786)
Reinsurer’s share in the movement in provision for unearned premiums and the gross provision for unexpired risk 104 229
Net earned premium 2,365 2,476
Investment income, including: 116 100
external operations 116 100
intersegment operations - -
Other net technical income 58 32
Income 2,539 2,608

Net insurance claims (1,593) (1,610)
Movement in other net technical provisions 44 7
Acquisition costs (511) (519)
Administrative expenses (144) (131)
Reinsurance commissions and profit-sharing 47 43

Other (69) (71)
Insurance result 313 327

Mass insurance (non-life insurance) 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Gross externally written premium 10,200 10,332
Gross premium written between segments 44 71
Gross written premium 10,244 10,403
Movement in provision for unearned premiums and gross provision for unexpired risks 54 (21)
Gross earned premium 10,298 10,382
Reinsurers’ share of the gross written premium (78) (149)
Reinsurer’s share in the movement in provision for unearned premiums and the gross provision for unexpired risk (28) 28
Net earned premium 10,192 10,261
Investment income, including: 525 481
external operations 525 481
intersegment operations - -
Other net technical income 100 126
Income 10,817 10,868

Net insurance claims (6,221) (6,410)
Movement in other net technical provisions 132 (1)
Acquisition costs (2,010) (1,986)
Administrative expenses (673) (651)
Reinsurance commissions and profit-sharing - 3

Other (374) (374)
Insurance result 1,671 1,449

Group and individually continued insurance (life insurance) 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Gross externally written premium 7,007 6,966
Gross premium written between segments - -
Gross written premium 7,007 6,966
Movement in the provision for unearned premiums (50) -
Gross earned premium 6,957 6,966
Reinsurers’ share of the gross written premium (1) (1)
Reinsurer’s share in the movement in provision for unearned premiums and the gross provision for unexpired risk - -
Net earned premium 6,956 6,965
Investment income, including: 675 668
external operations 675 668
intersegment operations - -
Other net technical income 3 3
Income 7,634 7,636

Net insurance claims and benefits and movement in other net technical provisions (5,190) (5,057)
Acquisition costs (381) (388)
Administrative expenses (632) (640)

Other (40) (54)
Insurance result 1,391 1,497

Individual insurance (life insurance) 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Gross externally written premium 1,712 1,581
Gross premium written between segments - -
Gross written premium 1,712 1,581
Movement in the provision for unearned premiums (2) (2)
Gross earned premium 1,710 1,579
Reinsurers’ share of the gross written premium - -
Reinsurer’s share in the movement in provision for unearned premiums and the gross provision for unexpired risk - -
Net earned premium 1,710 1,579
Investment income, including: 465 548
external operations 465 548
intersegment operations - -
Other net technical income 1 1
Income 2,176 2,128

Net insurance claims and benefits and movement in other net technical provisions (1,670) (1,640)
Acquisition costs (175) (139)
Administrative expenses (81) (72)

Other (6) (6)
Insurance result 244 271

Investments 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Investment income, including: 383 397
- external operations 323 333
- intersegment operations 60 64
Operating result 383 397

Banking activity 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019 (restated)
Fee and commission income 4,044 4,008
- external operations 3,945 3,901
- intersegment operations 99 107
Investment income 6,248 8,972
- external operations 6,248 8,972
- intersegment operations - -
Income 10,292 12,980

Fee and commission expense (1,036) (862)
Interest expenses (1,074) (2,013)
Administrative expenses (4,782) (4,850)

Other (3,206) (1,757)
Operating result 194 3,498

Pension insurance 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Investment income, including: 4 6
external operations 4 6
intersegment operations - -
Other income 130 142
Income 134 148

Administrative expenses (56) (43)

Other (5) (4)
Operating result 73 101

Insurance - Baltic States 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Gross externally written premium 1,694 1,713
Gross premium written between segments - -
Gross written premium 1,694 1,713
Movement in provision for unearned premiums and gross provision for unexpired risks 11 (54)
Gross earned premium 1,705 1,659
Reinsurers’ share of the gross written premium (65) (57)
Reinsurer’s share in the movement in provision for unearned premiums and the gross provision for unexpired risk 3 (2)
Net earned premium 1,643 1,600
Investment income, including: 18 38
external operations 18 38
intersegment operations - -
Income 1,661 1,638

Net insurance claims (965) (989)
Acquisition costs (340) (335)
Administrative expenses (141) (133)

Other 5 4
Insurance result 220 185

Insurance – Ukraine 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Gross externally written premium 291 335
Gross premium written between segments - -
Gross written premium 291 335
Movement in provision for unearned premiums and gross provision for unexpired risks 8 (8)
Gross earned premium 299 327
Reinsurers’ share of the gross written premium (99) (106)
Reinsurer’s share in the movement in provision for unearned premiums and the gross provision for unexpired risk (4) (4)
Net earned premium 196 217
Investment income, including: 39 33
external operations 39 33
intersegment operations - -
Income 235 250

Net insurance claims (76) (81)
Acquisition costs (101) (118)
Administrative expenses (33) (31)

Other 29 19
Insurance result 54 39

Investment contracts 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Gross written premium 33 35
Movement in the provision for unearned premiums - -
Gross earned premium 33 35
Reinsurers’ share of the gross written premium - -
Reinsurer’s share in the movement in the provision for unearned premiums - -
Net earned premium 33 35
Investment income, including: 13 16
external operations 13 16
intersegment operations - -
Other income - -
Income 46 51

Net insurance claims and benefits and movement in other net technical provisions (37) (42)
Acquisition costs - -
Administrative expenses (3) (4)

Other - -
Operating result 6 5

Other segments 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020 1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019
Investment income, including: 19 6
- external operations 19 6
- intersegment operations - -
Other income 1,234 1,086
Income 1,253 1,092

Costs (1,288) (1,149)

Other 28 22
Operating result (7) (35)

1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020
Net earned premium Investment income Net insurance claims and benefits Acquisition costs Administrative expenses Operating result
Corporate insurance 2,365 116 (1,593) (511) (144) 313
Mass insurance 10,192 525 (6,221) (2,010) (673) 1,671
Group and individually continued insurance 6,956 675 (5,190) (381) (632) 1,391
Individual insurance 1,710 465 (1,670) (175) (81) 244
Investments - 383 - - - 383
Banking activity - 6,248 - - (4,782) 194
Pension insurance - 4 - (5) (56) 73
Insurance - Baltic States 1,643 18 (965) (340) (141) 220
Insurance – Ukraine 196 39 (76) (101) (33) 54
Investment contracts 33 13 (37) - (3) 6
Other segments - 19 - - - (7)
Total segments 23,095 8,505 (15,752) (3,523) (6,545) 4,542
Presentation of investment contracts (33) (7) 37 - - -
Presentation of the movement in other net technical provisions - - (1) - - -
Estimated salvage and subrogation - - 24 - - 24
Valuation of equity instruments - (6) - - - (6)
Real estate valuation - - - - (3) (4)
Elimination of the equalization provision and prevention fund - - - - - (185)
Allowances to the Company Social Benefit Fund and actuarial costs - - - - (16) (16)
Consolidation adjustments (38) (6) 112 206 (33) (297)1
Consolidated data 23,024 8,4862 (15,580) (3,317) (6,597) 4,058

1 Consolidation adjustments ensue chiefly from the dividends paid between the various segments and the various accounting standards in which the specific reporting segments are reported (PAS and IFRS) and consolidated data (IFRS).
2 The sum of the following line items in the consolidated profit and loss account: “Interest income calculated using the effective interest rate”, “Other net investment income”, “Result on derecognition of financial instruments and investments”, “Movement in allowances for expected credit losses and impairment losses on financial instruments” and “Net movement in fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value”.

1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019 (restated)
Net earned premium Investment income Net insurance claims and benefits Acquisition costs Administrative expenses Operating result
Corporate insurance 2,476 100 (1,610) (519) (131) 327
Mass insurance 10,261 481 (6,410) (1,986) (651) 1,449
Group and individually continued insurance 6,965 668 (5,057) (388) (640) 1,497
Individual insurance 1,579 548 (1,640) (139) (72) 271
Investments - 397 - - - 397
Banking activity - 8,972 - - (4,850) 3,498
Pension insurance - 6 - (5) (43) 101
Insurance - Baltic States 1,600 38 (989) (335) (133) 185
Insurance – Ukraine 217 33 (81) (118) (31) 39
Investment contracts 35 16 (42) - (4) 5
Other segments - 6 - - - (35)
Total segments 23,133 11,265 (15,829) (3,490) (6,555) 7,734
Presentation of investment contracts (35) (7) 42 - - -
Estimated salvage and subrogation - - (4) - - (4)
Valuation of equity instruments - (14) - - - (14)
Real estate valuation - (4) - - (2) (9)
Elimination of the equalization provision and prevention fund - - - - - (12)
Allowances to the Company Social Benefit Fund and actuarial costs - - - - (12) (12)
Consolidation adjustments (8) 58 96 127 (37) (599)1
Consolidated data 23,090 11,2982 (15,695) (3,363) (6,606) 7,084

1 Consolidation adjustments ensue chiefly from the dividends paid between the various segments and the various accounting standards in which the specific reporting segments are reported (PAS and IFRS) and consolidated data (IFRS).
2 The sum of the following line items in the consolidated profit and loss account: “Interest income calculated using the effective interest rate”, “Other net investment income”, “Result on derecognition of financial instruments and investments”, “Movement in allowances for expected credit losses and impairment losses on financial instruments” and “Net movement in fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value”.

Geographic breakdown 1 January – 31 December 2020 1 January – 31 December 2019 (restated)
Poland Baltic States Ukraine Unallocated Consolidated value Poland Baltic States Ukraine Unallocated Consolidated value
Gross externally written insurance premium 21,881 1,694 291 - 23,866 22,143 1,713 335 - 24,191
Gross insurance premium written between segments 79 - - (79) - 93 - - (93) -
Fee and commission income 4,197 - - - 4,197 4,138 1 - - 4,139
Investment income 1 8,429 18 39 - 8,486 11,227 38 33 - 11,298

1 The sum of the following line items in the consolidated profit and loss account: “Interest income calculated using the effective interest rate”, “Other net investment income”, “Result on derecognition of financial instruments and investments”, “Movement in allowances for expected credit losses and impairment losses on financial instruments” and “Net movement in fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value”.

Geographic breakdown 1 January – 31 December 2020 1 January – 31 December 2019 (restated)
Poland Baltic States Ukraine Unallocated Consolidated value Poland Baltic States Ukraine Unallocated Consolidated value
Non-current assets, other than financial assets 1 7,116 272 6 - 7,394 7,133 247 6 - 7,386
Deferred tax assets 2,507 - 2 - 2,509 2,310 - 3 - 2,313
Assets 376,435 3,406 535 (1,402) 378,974 341,372 2,877 596 (1,460) 343,385

1 The sum of the following items of the consolidated statement of financial position: “Intangible assets” and “Property, plant and equipment”