The Health Area has become an integral part of PZU Group’s business model in 2014. Currently, the operations associated with development of medical services are one of the most important growth areas of the PZU Group. At the end of 2020, the Group had 2.8 million in-force health contracts. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the value of revenues in the health business approached the figure of PLN 1 billion, reaching PLN 949 million.
The operating model in the Health area supplements and expands PZU’s insurance offering. Two complementary types of activities are conducted:
- sale of health products in the form of insurance and sale of non-insurance products (occupational medicine, medical subscriptions, partnerships and prevention programs),
- building and development of the medical infrastructure in Poland to ensure the best accessibility of provided medical services.
Additionally, in the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine significantly developed. Provision of services in this model enabled PZU Zdrowie clients constant access to medical consultations.
Clients and products
In the Health Area the PZU Group offers a broad range of health products adapted to the segment’s and clients’ needs:
- Corporate client segment (life and health insurance) – the sales of group life and health insurance constitute the basis for the business operations of the PZU Group’s Health Area. The offering is addressed to corporate clients and the SME and micro business segments. Employers may purchase insurance in the sponsored or co-financed model, or negotiate a group offer for their employees;
- Mass insurance segment (non-life health insurance) – mass clients buying non-life policies are offered additional health insurance of assistance nature, ensuring access to specific medical services if an event under the basic policy occurs;
- Retail client segment (life and non-life health insurance) – retail clients are provided with health insurance in the form of individual continuation or rider to life insurance;
- Non-insurance products – PZU Zdrowie as a medical operator offers subscription and fee for service (FFS) products, and products in the area of health prophylactics for commercial clients. In mid-2020, it launched the PCR test process (COVID-19 test) for travel agents. It also provided health services to retail clients using the company’s proprietary medical centers.
Your health and employee health
We cover your health and the health of your relatives. We help you when you have an accident or fall ill. Thanks to our offering, being an employer, you can provide your employees, e.g. with life protection and medical care.

Distribution network
Health products – in the form of life and health and property insurance and non-insurance products – benefit from synergies within the PZU Group and are distributed through virtually all sales channels, including the corporate and agency network of PZU and PZU Życie. The PZU Zdrowie sales network launched in January 2020 is developing dynamically. The COVID-19 pandemic expedited also the sales in the digital channel – the mojePZU portal. Through this portal you can purchase single medical consultations both in the remote format and in the medical centers.
Distribution network

Medical infrastructure
PZU Zdrowie cooperates with approx. 2,200 partner centers in nearly 600 towns and cities in Poland.
Medical centers

At the same time, it has been consistently developing its own network of 130 medical centers, among others in Warsaw, Gdańsk, Poznań, Katowice, Wrocław, Kraków, Częstochowa, Radom, Płock and Opole, which in aggregate employ more than 2,200 physicians. Initially, it was created by acquiring local healthcare service providers with extensive experience and a good reputation in the medical community. Currently, PZU Zdrowie is expanding the scope of its operations through acquisitions and, in parallel, through building greenfield medical centers, which makes it easier for the company to usher in uniform standards in terms of equipment and patient service in such facilities.
Development of the scale of operations of PZU Zdrowie

Contact channels
A patient can make a doctor’s appointment or an appointment for any other medical service provided by PZU Zdrowie through:
- self-service website mojePZU [myPZU] with access to the calendar of appointments of each center,
- PZU mobile app,
- 24/7 hotline.
Contact channels

Facilities for patients

W 2020 roku PZU Zdrowie rozpoczęło bądź kontynuowało rozwój projektów informatycznych, które mają służyć usprawnieniu obsługi:
In 2020 PZU Zdrowie started or continued the development of IT projects aimed at improvement of the service:
- mojePZU [myPZU] – The self-service website of the PZU Group makes it possible to:
- make or cancel an appointment over the Internet,
- check which centers cooperate with PZU,
- see the list of past and upcoming appointments,
- verify if a specific medical service is covered by the insurance held,
- obtain advice on how to prepare for an examination,
- attach documents (e.g. test results) to the appointments made in proprietary medical centers,
- collect orders, referrals and results of laboratory tests from physician appointments from PZU Zdrowie centers,
- purchase additional services which are not included in the health product or purchase a prophylactic package,
- carry out a medical interview for patients suspecting a COVID-19 infection.
- Olimp [Olympus] – PZU Zdrowie’s website assisting employers in handling various matters related to occupational medicine services, makes it possible to:
- monitor expiration dates of employees’ medical examinations,
- generate a referral to examination with a single click,
- initiate the PZU Hotline to contact the employee with sufficient advance notice to remind him/her about an upcoming examination,
- verify, by the PZU Hotline employee, the referral form, which facilitates the conversation with the employee and schedule his/her examinations,
- create a list of things to do related to ongoing handling of occupational medicine services and sending reminders by e-mail,
- handle several companies from the same group.
- Communications broker – a project integrating the calendars of partner network centers and own network centers, facilitating the process of scheduling appointments and the provision of medical services.
- Virtual Clinic – allows for remote medical consultations and purchase of prescribed medicines in a selected pharmacy.
- EDM – the project deploys medical documentation in own centers.
- Voice Bot – virtual assistant who makes and cancels patient appointments by phone.
- Remote PZU Zdrowie COVID Care – program for PZU patients suspecting infection with, or suffering from, COVID-19. In the program the patient receives a pulse oximeter and remote psychological and internist care.