On 17 November 2019, the epidemic of COVID-19 contagious disease caused by SARSCoV-2 coronavirus broke out in Wuhan in the Hubei province of central China.
The first case of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection in Poland was recorded on 4 March 2020. One week later, the DirectorGeneral of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced that the COVID-19 epidemic caused by the Wuhan virus was declared a pandemic. The state of epidemic was introduced officially in Poland on 20 March. As a consequence, many aspects of the functioning of the country were thoroughly changed. Due to the growing numbers of ill people, the demand for medical services increased considerably but the restrictions concerning movement (lockdown) completely changed the manner of using them.
Activities in the field of corporate social responsibility constitute an important part of PZU operation. The COVID-19 pandemic confirmed that CSR activities are particularly powerful and it is a duty to support those on the front line of the fight against the coronavirus. PZU pursues a health business, has appropriate infrastructure and is involved in innovative medical solutions. Making use of these capacities, PZU joined the battle against the pandemic from the very beginning and undertook multiple initiatives to mitigate its effects. Thereby, PZU again fulfilled the brand promise: “You can rely on us.” The activities of the whole PZU Group in connection with the outbreak of the pandemic were carried out on numerous levels and oriented towards multiple aspects that were revealed by the pandemic
[GRI 103-2]
Already on 25 February 2020, a Crisis Management Team was appointed in PZU and PZU Życie to ensure business continuity of the companies while observing the safety measures and restrictions resulting from, among others, the Council of Ministers’ Regulation imposing specific restrictions, prohibitions and orders in connection with the state of epidemic. Also a crisis situation was declared in both companies on this day. PZU and PZU Życie implemented solutions and processes to minimize the risk of infection and spread of the coronavirus in the organization. Remote work was introduced already in March 2020. The necessary technical and organizational measures were ensured to enable as many employees as possible to work remotely or work in a rotation system. Insurance branches and agencies remained open, adapting to all legal limitations and sanitary restrictions associated with the spread of COVID-19. The sales, contract administration and claims handling processes were adapted in a similar manner to ensure business continuity and, at the same time, safe customer service. Some of the decisions made by the Crisis Management Team were forwarded as recommendations to PZU Group subsidiaries.
Activities aimed at counteracting the COVID-19 pandemic

Customization of products and services
The activities of the PZU Group were directed towards adjustment of products and the manner of their functioning to the new reality so that service provision and satisfaction of obligations towards customers in connection with the products sold earlier was not interrupted and that customer service was safe also to the employees.
PZU Zdrowie is one of the leaders of private health care in Poland and provides care to nearly 3 million customers. The company established its own medical chain, which already covers 130 medical centers of PZU Zdrowie, including a medical imaging chain. Additionally, it cooperates with about 2,200 partner centers in more than 600 towns and cities in Poland. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, PZU Zdrowie centers began providing remote medical consultations through the medical suppliers of PZU Zdrowie. The situation in Poland made also physicians in stationary facilities give remote consultations. Thus, PZU enabled patients to continue treatment at their own physicians, at the same time adjusting to the universally imposed restrictions.
Establishment of Centrum Telemedyczne PZU Zdrowie [PZU Zdrowie Telemedicine Center]
Due to the need to ensure the highest quality of services and the shared medical documentation with PZU Zdrowie centers, in April 2020 own telemedicine center was established: Centrum Telemedyczne PZU Zdrowie. At present, telemedicine consultations take place by telephone. Patients can appoint one via mojePZU website or PZU Zdrowie hotline.
In 2020, Centrum Telemedyczne completed 40.5 thousand telemedicine consultations for PZU Zdrowie’s patients.
Plans for 2021 provide for increasing the scale of the provided services, employing physicians in further specialties, giving the patients the opportunity to contact the physician via chat and video chat.
Remote COVID medical care
PZU Zdrowie launched a Remote COVID Care program for its customers. It is addressed to adults who suspect that they have caught SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus or already have a confirmed positive result of the COVID-19 test and are in home isolation. The aim of the program is to provide PZU Zdrowie’s patients with comfort of treatment at home and with sense of safety, and quick help from specialists if necessary.
The program includes:
- telemedical consultations by PZU physicians;
- pulse oximeter for controlling the health condition (blood oxygen level and pulse);
- telemedical consultations with a psychologist;
- medical education and access to proven sources of information about COVID-19.
312 patients were qualified for the program in 2020. PZU issued 289 pulse oximeters and gave 27 psychological consultations and 118 internal medicine consultations.
Psychological support for PZU Group employees
The PZU Group in cooperation with PZU Zdrowie launched a free-of-charge hotline with psychological help for PZU Group’s employees. The service involves conversations with a psychologist and enables obtaining:
- emotional and mental support in a difficult life and professional situation;
- psychological advice or consultation;
- information in the field of psychoeducation.
Psychologists of PZU Zdrowie are experts with many years’ experience in remote psychological help, who cooperate, among others, with the Polish Helpline, Polish “Blue Line”, Center for Support to People in Mental Crisis, Suddenly Alone Foundation and Helpline for Children and Youth.
Remote psychological care
The launch of remote psychological care by PZU Zdrowie coincided with the beginning of the pandemic. Remote psychological consultations are available to persons covered by Medical Care as part of insurance policies and subscriptions as well as to companies interested in additional psychological support for their employees. They can be used also by people who do not have any health products at PZU. It is possible to purchase and appoint a consultation via mojePZU website and PZU Zdrowie hotline. The remote psychological help services address the needs of patients for whom access to stationary care would be difficult e.g. due to the place of residence or limited mobility. During the pandemic, PZU Zdrowie provided free-of-charge psychological consultations to healthcare practitioners and people who were ill or experienced other negative effects of the epidemic situation.
During the three quarters of service availability in 2020, over 650 remote psychological consultations were given via chat and video chat, which took 50 minutes each. This solution allowed the company to render full long-term psychotherapy.
Launch of Customer Office
PZU branch in Ukraine launched the Customer Office, i.e. a platform making use of documents in the electronic form. This allowed efficient submission of documents by customers, their receipt for analysis, and quick provision of feedback. Moreover, in times of the pandemic the company gave the opportunity to submit documents for disbursement and introduction of amendments to the insurance agreement online, i.e. with the use of the Customer Office. This innovation made the customer service quicker
In March 2020, the Academic Council of TUW PZUW* immediately responded to the state of epidemic and issued recommendations for conduct with patients with suspected infection with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus for entities pursuing medical activity. The guidelines were edited by the Academic Council based on consultations with representatives of 30 hospitals and 5 associations specializing in the area of hospital infection control. The document was sent to all medical facilities which provide stationary and 24/7 health services, and additionally the communication with appendices was published on TUW PZUW website. Thanks to the actions performed by the Council, TUW PZUW provided the necessary support to the insured and contributed to raising insurance awareness.
*Academic Council is an initiating, consultative and advisory body of TUW PZUW in the field of statutory activities and as regards development of the medical and research & technical area. It is composed of experts in the field of medical, legal, technical sciences, finance, economics and management.
Apart from real actions translating directly into provision of safety to employees, of access to health care to patients, and of business continuity, the PZU Group took various information measures. Their aim was to deliver reliable knowledge to customers and to ensure the sense of stability in the uncertain situation of the pandemic.
Remote aid for seniors
During the intensification of the second wave of the pandemic, PZU supported the operators of hotlines for people under threat of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to improve their availability for patients.
The first communication channel was the generally available hotline of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS). PZU consultants handled the incoming calls from people with infection or suspected infection, provided them with necessary information or directed the calls to competent units.
The second channel was the special hotline “Support the senior.” This is a joint project of PZU and the Ministry of Family and Social Policy, addressed above all to 70+ seniors. In special situations, the support is available also to younger persons. By calling the number (22) 505 11 11, seniors can receive help in most necessary matters, such as purchase of food or medicines. In addition, seniors with mobility problems can count on help with organization of transport for COVID-19 vaccination.
The monitoring of calls revealed a very high effectiveness of support of GIS hotline in the initial period of its operation, i.e. in the second half of October 2020. “Support the senior” hotline handled a constant high number of calls. Over the last two months of 2020, PZU consultants answered as many as 50 thousand calls.
PZU also joined information campaigns concerning the pandemic situation in Poland and encouraging Poles to stay at home.
Polish nationwide #stayathome campaign
As a result of the restrictions introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most activities were restricted or prohibited. Poles had to stay at home. In this situation, PZU joined the Polish nationwide #stayathome campaign. Thereby PZU broke the stereotype of the company’s perception as an insurer only, because it provided support in the areas that are not perceived as financial and insurance competencies.
As part of the #stayathome campaign and in response to the necessity to cope with the difficult pandemic situation, PZU created valuable educational materials concerning the support for psychophysical fitness and resilience through sports, training of mindfulness, or culture. Contents published on PZU Group’s YouTube channel were viewed by nearly 5 million unique users.
Informational campaign concerning safe traveling
During the Emergency Situation in Estonia, the PZU branch shared communications, rules and recommendations of the State of Estonia concerning safe traveling.
PZU in cooperation with TVP supported seniors in staying healthy
PZU also became a partner of TVP1 program “Be together at home,” which provided advice to the elderly as to how to take care of their safety and stay fit physically and mentally during the pandemic.

“The idea of the program perfectly fits the actions which we have been taking already since March 2020 in connection with the coronavirus threat. We want the people who take care of our health and safety to be safe. We ourselves also try to provide safety to our customers. We extended the number of services which can be used remotely, and encourage customers to avoid leaving their homes. This way they will mitigate the coronavirus infection risk.”
Aleksandra Agatowska, CEO of PZU Życie
PZU encouraged seniors to use its services remotely via various media. This purpose was served by the informational campaign in Polish nationwide television stations, on VOD websites and in the social media, and it was reinforced by cooperation with the program “Be together at home” and faces of popular actors – Teresa Lipowska and Tadeusz Chudecki – as well as protagonists of other popular programs: “Love Spa” and “The Voice Senior”.
Health care system support
Due to the pandemic, the PZU Group’s social activity in 2020, apart from remote medical care and informational campaigns, focused on supporting the health care system and the patients in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.
PZU provided financial and in-kind support to hospitals and rescue services operating in whole Poland. The total amount of aid given by PZU exceeds PLN 19 million. This support came from the prevention fund of PZU, PZU Życie and TUW PZUW.
Medical equipment for hospitals and rescue services
- PLN 9.5 million for purchase of equipment for hospitals fighting the coronavirus. The funded equipment was given first of all to hospitals that cared for the ill with COVID-19. They received, among others, ventilators, bronchoscopes to test the trachea and bronchi, patient monitors, pulse oximeters, PCR test apparatuses, disinfection lamps, fumigation equipment, wireless stethoscopes, barrier tents and bands of life;
- 200 cars from PZU for the medical services to transport test samples for people quarantining at home;
- Over 550 thousand pairs of nitrile gloves for hospitals, clinics and Social Assistance Homes. Thereby, PZU helped 170 medical centers in whole Poland, including 24 emergency medical service stations;
- Police and Border Guard officers received protective suits, masks, gloves and disinfectants;
- Support was given also to the National Institute of Public Health – State Hygiene Department to outfit it with a diagnostic line to do lab tests on the presence of coronavirus. The demand of the National Institute of Public Health – State Hygiene Department (NIZP-PZH) for tests exceeded the standard analytical capacities of the scientific laboratory. Over two weeks, the number of patients with confirmed infection, from whom samples were forwarded to the central laboratory, grew by several dozen every day. The low-temperature freezers handling the whole diagnostic activity of NIZP-PZH quickly filled with the samples collected from patients with COVID-19. PZU co-financed the purchase of specialist equipment for the PZH laboratory. The new devices allowed an increase in the number of tests and a reduction of the time of waiting for the result.
COVID-19 insurance
PZU Lithuania Life prepared free-of-charge life insurance with financial support in case of coronavirus infection for Lithuanian healthcare practitioners and teachers.
Lietuvos Draudimas prepared temporary insurance for entrepreneurs, which ensured insurance cover for their employees should they catch COVID-19. The benefit is awarded for days spent by the employee in hospital due to the coronavirus infection.
AAS BALTA insured free of charge over three thousand employees of the Latvian State Emergency Medical Service against COVID-19. The company this way appreciated those who fought the pandemic on the front line. The employees of the State Emergency Medical Service were some of the first ones to receive such cover.
COVID-19 Band of Life
PZU quickly adapted the Bands of Life (pioneering project from the end of 2019) to the needs that appeared in the health care system in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hospitals caring for people suffering from the coronavirus received almost one thousand COVID-19 bands of life from PZU. Innovative on the global scale, this device analyzes the key vital signs of patients and alarms the medical personnel when there is life hazard. It measures pulse and temperature as well as saturation, i.e. blood oxygen level. When the signs drop to critical values, the band activates a sound signal and alarms the medical personnel on the special display monitor. Such a solution enables physicians to oversee patients’ health remotely without close physical contact, reduces the risk of carrying the infection over to the medical personnel and hence considerably improves the working comfort of the medical personnel during the pandemic.

“Medically certified bands already proved themselves in a pilot project executed by PZU in cooperation with the Health Ministry from autumn 2019 on in the Mazowieckie Voivodship Hospital in Siedlce. We accelerated our activities in connection with the pandemic to introduce them on a greater scale. We organized their production in no time, thanks to which we delivered nearly one thousand bands to hospitals. Devices worth PLN 1 million were received by 27 hospitals across Poland, including dedicated COVID-19 hospitals.”
Dorota Macieja, Member of the PZU Życie Management Board
Barrier tents for hospitals
During the COVID-19 pandemic, selfless help was offered also by PZU Group’s employees. Fundraising was organized for the purchase of barrier tents for the ill. The action was joined by employees of all PZU Group companies, including PZU, PZU Życie, Bank Pekao, Alior Bank and LINK4. The companies added one Polish zloty to each Polish zloty raised by the employees.
The barrier tent is an invention of a physician from the Medical University of Warsaw. It allows total separation of the ill person and thereby protects other patients and the hospital personnel from infection. This way the spread of the pandemic is prevented. The tent’s coating protects other people from infection, at the same time allowing physicians to perform all necessary medical treatments.
Thanks to the commitment of the PZU Group’s employees and to the doubling the collected amount by the companies, 1,775 barrier tents were purchased for the total amount of nearly PLN 400,000.
This aid was a spontaneous touch of heart of the PZU Group’s employees, a proof of empathy and solidarity with the ill, the physicians and the medical personnel. The engagement in selfless help showed that the Group’s employees can act effectively together not only in business but also in such a difficult moment for us all as the epidemic threat.
In-kind support for medical centers
PZU Lithuania Life provided financial support to medical centers by enabling them to purchase protective equipment and other necessary products.
PZU Estonia gave such money to those most in need that was supposed to be spent on the purchase of holiday gifts for business partners. It also provided support for the purchase of protective equipment for hospitals, emergency medical services and the alarm center in Estonia.
The promotion of healthy and active lifestyles is a special area of PZU’s social commitment. PZU has long encouraged Poles to do sports, change their eating habits for healthy ones, undergo preventive medical testing, and take care of their mental wellbeing. Both physicians and scientists emphasize that by changing our lifestyle we can gift ourselves up to 10 additional years of life. By making a certain number of steps per day, ensuring adequate amount of sleep, taking care of our physical form and correct eating, we can have a real impact in our lives and the PZU Group as the national insurer wants to sponsor, promote and encourage good habits. By its actions, PZU wants to persuade its customers to reflect on and assume responsibility for their lives.
Despite the restrictions related to the pandemic, PZU supported the organization of running events and various health-promoting actions in 2020 as well.
Support for running events
PZU’s involvement in the organization of mass running events serves the promotion of healthy and active lifestyles by encouraging the whole society, from children to seniors, to participate in running events as a form of recreation, to practice every day and to take care of their physical fitness.
PZU supports the biggest and most prestigious running events in Poland. In 2020, these included in particular PZU Orlen Warsaw Marathon, PZU Cracovia Marathon, Wolf Trail – Runs in Memory of Cursed Soldiers.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in 2020 PZU was involved in a new form of running events – virtual competition. For more than 100 thousand participants in running events supported by PZU this was a chance to take part in amateur sports competitions in several locations in whole Poland.
Volunteers could run alone or with the close ones, and most importantly – safely, near the place where they lived.
The impact of the sports actions organized by PZU on Poles’ activity is illustrated by the IQS report for PZU: “Communication of social, preventive and sponsorship commitment of the PZU Group: potential and risks.” Percentage of people who have encountered PZU’s social, preventive and sponsorship activities:
- 74% of them pursue a healthy lifestyle;
- 70% take care of their physical fitness;
- 50% participate in sports events.
In addition, the report by Pentagon Research for PZU: “The survey of recognizability and image of PZU Warsaw Marathon and PZU Cracovia Marathon” reveals that 89% of the respondents think that support for running events fits the PZU brand.
Sports sections in numbers:

Sports sections at PZU:

PZU has consistently supported sports activities also among its employees for many years. Each of them can practice his or her favorite sports in the specialist sections of the PZU Sport Team. In Warsaw and Szczecin they can also use a company gym. The running section of the PZU Sport Team is the most numerous one, with over 300 members. The company supports its members, who are at the same time PZU’s ambassadors in many running events over the whole year in whole Poland.
Support for social projects for healthy lifestyles
In 2020, PZU Ukraine provided financial support to “Pogoń Lwów”, a sports club in Lviv.