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Interactive navigation is a tool that goes beyond the standard navigation of the integrated content (available in the report drop-down bar). New approach allowed to navigate in the two additional business dimensions of the PZU Group, i.e .:
  • strategy (insurance, health, investments, finances);
  • sustainable development (sales, employees, social responsibility, natural environment and ethics).
The above-mentioned areas were additionally supplemented with related GRI indicators, within each selected issue.
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Natural capital
Social capital

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Assets and liabilities (2016-2020)

PZU AR 2020 > Assets and liabilities (2016-2020)
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Assets (PLN million) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Intangible assets 1,463 3,443 3,180 3,157 3,206
Goodwill 1,583 3,830 3,871 4,034 2,776
Property, plant and equipment 1,467 3,287 3,184 4,229 4,188
Investment property 1,738 2,355 1,697 1,981 2,493
Entities measured using the equity method 37 20 17 11 72
Loan receivables 44,998 169,457 182,054 194,868 197,288
Derivatives 953 2,351 2,487 3,107 6,339
Financial assets 59,335 110,046 101,665 111,416 140,922
Receivables 5,664 9,096 6,343 5,737 6,246
Reinsurers’ share in technical provisions 990 1,250 1,512 1,856 2,101
Deferred tax assets 641 1,590 2,234 2,313 2,511
Deferred acquisition costs 1,407 1,485 1,546 1,574 1,550
Other assets 866 692 562 734 753
Cash and cash equivalents 2,973 8,239 17,055 7,788 7,939
Assets held for sale 1,189 317 1,147 580 590
Total assets 125,304 317,458 328,554 343,385 378,974

Data from consolidated statement of financial position for 2016 restated - as at 1 January 2017

Equity (PLN million) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Share capital 86 86 86 86 86
Supplementary capital 10,758 11,824 12,660 13,113 15,848
Revaluation reserve 106 157 -65 294 891
Actuarial profits and losses related to provisions for employee benefits 3 4 0 1 3
Own shares (1) 0 (11) (7) (9)
Other reserve capital 5 5 18 (324) 295
Exchange differences (2) (73) (36) (41) 65
Retained profits (losses) 100 (299) (940) (248) (314)
Net profit (loss) 1,935 2,895 3,213 3,295 1,912
Appropriations on net profit during the financial year 0 0 0 0 0
Minority interest 4,067 22,961 22,482 23,119 24,626
Total equity 17,057 37,560 37,407 39,288 43,403

Data from consolidated statement of financial position for 2016 restated - as at 1 January 2017

Liabilities (PLN million) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Technical provisions 42,194 44,558 45,839 47,329 48,471
  Unearned premium and unexpired risk reserve 7,076 8,008 8,525 8,885 8,834
  Life insurance provisions 15,928 16,060 16,204 16,346 16,309
  Outstanding claims provisions 8,272 8,898 9,690 10,298 10,984
  Provision for annuities 5,673 5,776 5,981 5,999 6,226
  Provisions for bonuses and discounts for the insured 5 14 7 9 8
  Other technical provisions 323 287 256 214 190
  Unit-linked technical provisions 4,917 5,515 5,176 5,578 5,920
  Subordinated liabilities 1,027 5,319 6,061 6,700 6,679
Own debt securities liabilities 6,449 9,610 12,009 9,273 7,532
Liabilities to banks 503 5,323 6,044 6,604 9,751
Liabilities to clients for deposits 48,472 198,163 207,635 218,588 241,975
Derivatives 787 3,474 3,365 3,018 6,281
Other liabilities 7,897 11,960 8,805 10,599 12,434
Other provisions 416 850 854 1,211 1,378
Deferred tax liability provision 469 638 486 746 949
Liabilities directly associated with assets qualified as held for sale 33 3 49 29 121
Total liabilities 108,247 279,898 291,147 304,097 335,571
Total equity and liabilities 125,304 317,458 328,554 343,385 378,974

Data from consolidated statement of financial position for 2016 restated - as at 1 January 2017