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9.2 Fair value hierarchy

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On the basis of the input data for fair value measurement, the individual assets and liabilities for which fair value has been presented have been classified to the following levels:

  • Level I – assets and liabilities measured based on quoted prices (unadjusted) from active markets for identical assets and liabilities. This level includes:
    • liquid quoted debt securities;
    • shares and investment certificates quoted on exchanges;
    • derivatives quoted on exchanges;
    • liabilities on borrowed securities quoted on exchanges (short sale).
  • Level II – assets and liabilities whose measurement is based on input data other than quoted prices included within level I, which can be observed on the market, either directly (as prices) or indirectly (derived from prices). This level includes:
    • quoted debt securities carried on the basis of the valuations published by an authorized information service;
    • derivatives – among others FX Swap, FX Forward, IRS, CIRS, FRA;
    • participation units in mutual fund;
    • investment properties or properties held for sale measured using the comparative method, including free land free land for development and certain smaller and less valuable buildings (such as residential units, garages, etc.);
    • liabilities to members of consolidated mutual funds;
    • investment contracts for the client’s account and risk.
  • Level III – assets measured based on input data unobserved on the existing markets (unobservable input data). This level includes:
    • unquoted debt securities and non-liquid quoted debt securities (including non-treasury debt securities issued by other financial entities, local government and non-financial entities), measured using models based on discounted cash flows;
    • investment properties or properties held for sale measured using the income method or the residual method;
    • loan receivables from clients and liabilities to clients under deposits;
    • options embedded in certificates of deposit issued by PZU Group companies and options concluded in the interbank market to hedge embedded option positions.

In a situation in which the measurement of an asset or liability is based on input data classified in different levels of the fair value hierarchy, the measured asset is assigned to the lowest level from which the input data are taken, provided that they have a significant impact on the overall measurement.

The value of the measurement of components of assets or liabilities qualified in level III is affected to significant extent by unobservable input data.

Measured assets Unobservable data Description Impact on measurement
Loan receivables from clients Liquidity margin and current margin from the sale of the product group Fair values are estimated using valuation techniques, with an assumption that when the loan is granted, the fair value is equal to the carrying amount. The fair value of loans without recognized impairment is equal to the sum of future expected cash flows discounted at the balance sheet date less expected credit loss. The cash flow discounting rate is the appropriate risk-free market rate plus the liquidity margin and current sales margin for the loan’s product group. The margin is determined by product group and by maturity. For the purpose of estimating the fair value of foreign currency loans, the liquidity margin for PLN loans is used, adjusted by quotations of FX swap and basis-swap transactions. The fair value of loans with recognized impairment is equal to the sum of future expected salvage discounted using the effective interest rate, since the average expected recoveries fully reflect the credit risk component. For loans that do not have a repayment schedule (current account loans, overdrafts and credit cards), the fair value is assumed to be equal to the carrying amount. Negative correlation.
Liabilities to clients under deposits Sales margin Fair values are estimated using valuation techniques, with an assumption that when the deposit is accepted, the fair value is equal to the carrying amount. The fair value of term deposits is equal to the sum of future expected cash flows discounted at the balance sheet date. The cash flow discounting rate is the appropriate risk-free market rate plus the current sales margin. The margin is determined on the basis of deposits accepted in the last quarter, by product group and by maturity. For short-term deposits (current deposits, overnight deposits and savings accounts), the carrying amount is taken as fair value. Negative correlation.
Options embedded in certificates of deposit issued by PZU Group companies and options concluded in the interbank market to hedge embedded option positions. Model parameters Embedded instruments are plain vanilla options and exotic options for individual shares, indices, commodities and other market indicators, including interest rate indices and exchange rates and their baskets. All separated options are offset on an ongoing basis on the interbank market. Currency options are measured based on the Garman-Kohlhagen option pricing model (and in the case of barrier and Asian options based on the so-called extended Garman-Kohlhagen model).
Exotic options embedded in deposit agreements and their offsets are measured using the Monte-Carlo technique, assuming a geometric Brownian motion model for risk factors.
Non-liquid bonds and loans Credit spreads Spreads are observed on all bonds (their series) or loans of the same issuer or a similar issuer. These spreads are observed on the dates of issue of new bond series, dates of conclusion of new loan agreements and dates of market transactions on the receivables following from such bonds and loans. Negative correlation.
Investment property and property designated for sale Capitalization rate Capitalization rate is determined through analysis of rates of return obtained in transactions for similar properties. Negative correlation.
Construction costs Construction costs are determined based on market construction costs less costs incurred as at the date of measurement. Positive correlation.
Monthly rental rate per 1 m2 of relevant space or per parking space Rental rates are observed for similar properties of similar quality, in similar locations and with a similar size of leased space. Positive correlation.
Derivatives Model parameters Currency options are measured based on the Garman-Kohlhagen option pricing model (and in the case of barrier and Asian options based on the so-called extended Garman-Kohlhagen model). Exotic options embedded in deposit agreements and their offsets are measured using the Monte-Carlo technique, assuming a geometric Brownian motion model for risk factors.
Own issues and subordinated loans Issue spread above the market curve If historical issue spread above the market curve is used, these issues are classified at level III of the fair value hierarchy. Negative correlation.
Equity instruments not quoted on an active market Quotations of financial services, current value of future forecasted profit or loss of the company or measurement models based on available market data.

9.2.1.  Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value Level I Level II Level III Total Level I Level II Level III Total

Investment financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 27,673 24,797 11,778 64,248 32,595 15,555 7,061 55,211
Equity instruments 257 1 347 605 271 1 246 518
Debt securities 27,416 24,796 11,431 63,643 32,324 15,554 6,815 54,693
Investment financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss 3,616 5,709 485 9,810 4,985 4,996 286 10,267
Equity instruments 575 1 370 946 613 6 226 845
Participation units and investment certificates 134 5,143 21 5,298 111 4,690 19 4,820
Debt securities 2,907 565 94 3,566 4,261 300 41 4,602
Loan receivables from clients - - 1,662 1,662 - - 1,624 1,624
Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income - - 1,475 1,475 - - 1,381 1,381
Measured at fair value through profit or loss - - 187 187 - - 243 243
Financial derivatives - 6,246 93 6,339 4 2,985 118 3,107
Investment property - 186 2,307 2,493 - 153 1,828 1,981

Derivatives - 6,221 60 6,281 3 2,947 68 3,018
Liabilities to members of consolidated mutual funds - 265 - 265 - 90 - 90
Investment contracts for the client’s account and risk (unit-linked) - 268 - 268 - 259 - 259
Liabilities on borrowed securities (short sale) 851 - - 851 293 - - 293

Movement in assets and liabilities classified as Level III of the fair value hierarchy in the year ended 31 December 2020 Investment financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Investment financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss Derivatives – assets Derivatives – liabilities Loan receivables from clients measured at fair value Investment property
Equity Debt Equity Investment certificates Debt through other comprehen-sive income through profit or loss
Beginning of the period 246 6,815 226 19 41 118 68 1,381 243 1,828
Purchase/opening of the position/granting 24 16,974 28 2 4,070 6 6 99 - 198
Reclassification from Level II 1 - 43 4 - 30 - - - - -
Reclassifications from assets held for sale to investment property - - - - - - - - - 296
Profit or loss recognized in the profit and loss account: - 181 113 - 1 25 19 30 - 229
- interest income calculated using the effective interest rate - 172 - - - - - 30 - -
- result on derecognition of financial instruments and investments - 9 - - 2 - - - - -
- net movement in fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value - - 113 - (1) 25 19 - - 229
Profits or losses recognized in other comprehensive income 77 13 - - - - - 15 - -
Sales/settlements/repayments - (12,536) - - (4,048) (56) (33) (50) (56) (1)
Reclassification to assets held for sale - - - - - - - - - (257)
Reclassification to Level II - (59) - - - - - - - -
Amendments to lease contracts - - - - - - - - - 14
Foreign exchange differences - - (1) - - - - - - -
As at the end of the period 347 11,431 370 21 94 93 60 1,475 187 2,307

1 Information on the restatements is presented in item 9.3.

Movement in assets and liabilities classified as Level III of the fair value hierarchy in the year ended 31 December 2019 Investment financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income Investment financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss Derivatives – assets Derivatives – liabilities Loan receivables from clients measured at fair value Investment property
Equity Debt Equity Investment certificates Debt through other comprehen-sive income through profit or loss
Beginning of the period  212 6,996  115  14  123  68  36 1,511  303 1,556
Posting of right-of-use assets (IFRS16) - - - - - - - - -  44
Purchase/opening of the position/granting -  997 - -  573  26  21  167 -  195
Reclassification from Level II 1) -  545 - - -  1 - - - -
Reclassifications from assets held for sale to investment property - - - - - - - - -  1
Profit or loss recognized in the profit and loss account: -  176  111  3  6  57  36  29 (2)  48
- interest income calculated using the effective interest rate -  170 - - - - -  29 (2) -
- result on derecognition of financial instruments and investments -  6 - -  1 - - - - -
- net movement in fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value - -  111  3  5  57  36 - -  48
Profits or losses recognized in other comprehensive income  34  35 - - - - -  16 - -
Sales/settlements/repayments - (1,851) - - (661) (34) (25) (342) (58) (4)
Reclassification to assets held for sale - - - - - - - - - (12)
Reclassification to Level II - (83) - - - - - - - -
Foreign exchange differences - - -  2 - - - - - -
End of the period  246 6,815  226  19  41  118  68 1,381  243 1,828

1 Information on the restatements is presented in item 9.3.  Change in the fair value measurement methodology for financial instruments measured at fair value

Both in 2020 and in 2019, no changes were made in the fair value measurement method for financial instruments measured at fair value that would be of material significance for the consolidated financial statements.  Investment property classified as Level III fair value

The table below presents the key parameters used in measuring the largest investment properties (including those presented as held for sale).

All real properties classified as level III fair value were measured by the income approach using the investment method and the straight capitalization technique or using a mixed approach. That valuation employed unobservable input data such as:

  • capitalization rate – determined through analysis of rates of return obtained in transactions for similar real properties;
  • monthly rental rate per 1 m2 of relevant space or per parking space.

Properties classified as level III Type of space 31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Carrying amount Rental fees included
in the measurement
Capitalization rates included in the measurement Carrying amount Rental fees included
in the measurement
Capitalization rates included in the measurement
Investment property
office Office 740 12.50 – 14.50 EUR 6.25% - 7.25% 663 12.00 – 14.50 EUR 6.00% - 7.50%
Parking 40.00 – 75.00 EUR 40.00 – 70.00 EUR
warehouse Office 1,507 8.50 – 9.00 EUR 5.75% - 7.00% 1,119 9.00 EUR 5.90% - 6.45%
Warehouse 3.30 – 3.50 EUR 3.20 – 3.50 EUR




Investment property held for sale
trading Trade 162 depending on size of leased space 7.75% - 10.00% 153 depending on size of leased space 7.65% - 9.75%
warehouse Office 273 9.00 EUR 5.75% - 6.75% 296 9.00 EUR 6.50% - 6.95%
Warehouse 3.50 EUR 3.40 – 3.50 EUR




Properties classified as level III Fair value Estimate variable Assumed fluctuation of the estimate variable Impact on measurement
Investment property 2,307 Capitalization rate + 0.25 p.p. (97)
(0.25) p.p. 105
Monthly rent rate 5% 97
(5)% (99)
Investment property held for sale 502 Capitalization rate + 0.25 p.p. (17)
(0.25) p.p. 19
Monthly rent rate 5% 17
(5)% (17)

9.2.2.  Assets and liabilities not measured at fair value

Fair value of assets and liabilities for which it is only disclosed 31 December 2020 31 December 2019
Level I Level II Level III Total
fair value
Carrying amount Level I Level II Level III Total
fair value
Carrying amount

Loan receivables from clients measured at amortized cost - - 193,609 193,609 195,637 - - 193,964 193,964 193,244
Investment financial assets measured at amortized cost 42,591 7,450 22,845 72,886 66,864 26,032 2,149 21,742 49,923 45,938
Debt securities 42,591 6,168 15,045 63,804 57,871 26,032 1,123 12,674 39,829 35,930
Buy-sell-back transactions - 1,000 3,657 4,657 4,657 - 738 3,326 4,064 4,064
Term deposits in credit institutions - 282 670 952 952 - 288 1,168 1,456 1,454
Loans - - 3,473 3,473 3,384 - - 4,574 4,574 4,490

Liabilities to banks - 2,504 7,140 9,644 9,751 - 897 5,728 6,625 6,604
Liabilities to clients under deposits - - 241,171 241,171 241,975 - - 219,233 219,233 218,588
Liabilities on the issue of own debt securities1 - 6,423 1,130 7,553 7,532 - 6,700 2,667 9,367 9,273
Subordinated liabilities1 - 2,761 4,038 6,799 6,679 - 2,766 4,014 6,780 6,700
Liabilities on account of repurchase transactions - 744 410 1,154 1,154 - 599 - 599 599

1 The liabilities classified to level II are those whose measurement was not affected by unobservable parameters. They are primarily liabilities on account of bonds issued by Pekao.